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This involves the placements of two to four implants and later a removable denture will be fitted getting its stability and retention from these implants.

Implant supported dentures have many benefits:

Stability – While conventional dentures tend to shift out of place, implant retained dentures, on the other hand, are held securely in place by small titanium posts in the jaw. These provide the sort of stability and security that no adhesive or clasps could ever match.

Biting, chewing, and speaking is easier – Because dentures are held securely in place, patients can bite, chew, and speak with ease.

A more natural look  – implant retained dentures gives a far more natural appearance comparing to the conventional ones.

Reduce bone loss – While it is still a removable prosthetic treatment, it slows the bone loss by stimulating and regenerating the growth of bone and soft tissues.

For more information regarding this treatment

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